Affordable, High-Quality Education:
- No tuition fees for exchange students
- Funding possible through Baden-Wuerttemberg Scholarships
- Degree-seeking students (non-EU) only 1,500 Euro per semester
Study in English:
- More than 200 courses taught in English in various subjects
- English course catalogue available online
- German language courses provided free of charge at NGU
Amazing Student Experience:
- small class sizes with close contact to staff, students and professors
- Hands-on approach and focus on entrepreneurship
- Safe student environment & gateway to Stuttgart metropolitan area
- International Office provides support throughout your stay
Location in the Heart of Europe:
- NGU offers the best of both worlds: beautiful nature and the excitement of modern cities
- NGU profits from its location in Germany's powerhouse industrial region (e.g. Daimler, Porsche, Bosch)
- Ideal spot to discover many surrounding countries (25 mins to Stuttgart Airport)
Boost your Career Opportunities:
- Practice-oriented courses and teaching faculty with years of professional experience
- Option to complete an internship in Germany
- Great Opportunity to enhance employability
Apply now!
Exchange Students: Learn more about your "semester @NGU" and apply at your home university for one of our campuses.
Degree Seeking Students: Please mind the admission criteria and selection procedure of our study programs.