Automotive and Mobility Business (B.Sc.)

Bachelor Degree Program


Nürtingen-Geislingen University offers at its campus in Geislingen the innovative and praxis-oriented bachelor degree program Automotive and Mobility Business. It leads to the degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).

The industry-specific challenges along the entire automotive value chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and automotive-related financial services emerge from strong competition, internationalization and permanently changing laws.

This degree program is designed to meet the increasing demand of academically highly qualified employees for the automotive business. The graduates will have a process-related and integrated understanding of the entire automotive supply chain. With their comprehensive knowledge and holistic understanding of management processes they are able to help solve automotive-economic tasks and problems. In-depth fields are Marketing & Distribution, Product, Service and Business Management.

Highly qualified graduates can apply for the master degree program Automotive and Mobility Management. The duration of studies is 3 semesters.