NURTINGEN (hfwu). This year's German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prize at
Nürtingen-Geislingen University (HfWU) goes to Mădălina-Maria Macrea. Macrea
received the award for her social commitment and outstanding academic
Mădălina-Maria Macrea is the first double-degree student of the
German-language Business Management program at the Romanian Babeş-Bolyai
University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca, who also successfully completed the
Bachelor's program in International Financial Management at HfWU.
At the UBB, Macrea was Vice Managing Director of the Gutenberg Student
Association. The association organizes camps, activities and language courses
for Romanian students to promote German language learning and
entrepreneurship. Together with her fellow students, the 23-year-old was also
an important support for the study organizers in making the double degree
between the two universities a success.
The "DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievements by Foreign Students at German
Universities" is endowed with 1000 euros per university. The award from the
DAAD, a joint institution of German universities, is intended to help give the
many foreign students at German universities a face. The prize is awarded once
a year at the HfWU.
DAAD prize for student from Romania
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DAAD-Preisträgerin Mădălina-Maria Macrea (Foto: E. Tzamalouka)