Institute for International Research on Sustainable Management and Renewable Energy (ISR)
Research Agenda
We are doing research in the area of sustainability and renewable energies and also include international aspects. Thereby we focus on sustainable management in different corporate functions, on compliance and governance, economic questions as well as on renewable energies, the current focus areas are marketing and acceptance. We work in interdisciplinary cooperation with other NGU institutes.
Here are some examples of our work:
Research Philosophy
As members of a University of Applied Sciences (HAW) we conduct applied research. We focus on topics which are of interest for us as well as for society at large and that have a clear potential for application in business. An international perspective and a solid empirical foundation are important to us. We are convinced of the power of collaboration and carry out our projects in cooperation with other universities, research institutes, companies, organizations and others. Overcoming the boundaries between disciplines for us is the basis of new findings. We welcome competition in research and participate in research programs of the federal and state governments. The link between research and teaching is important to us, so we integrate bachelor and master candidates into our research projects. In cooperation with several universities we also offer our scientific staff the possibility to graduate their PhD.
- Trans4mation Fridays for Future
- (BGA-PtG)² – „Holistic evaluation of the integration of power-to-gas concepts in biogas and bio methane plants including the development of business models for regenerative gases“
- LoSENS Local Sustainable Energy Systems in Senegal
- Human and Social Capital of Board Members of Renewable Energy Cooperatives in Germany
- International comparison of green electricity products
- International comparison of Biomethane products and policy frameworks
- "enEEbler" Employee initiatives for renewable energy
- International marketing in renewable energy – work package communication
- The social discourse around the "maize cap" before the 2012 amendment of the German renewable energies act (EEG) - A qualitative content analysis of newspaper articles
- GÄRWERT – Environmentally friendly optimization, value oriented recycling and commercialization of biogas digestate
- BENERKON - successful identification and management of conflicts
- AquaMak – aquatic macrophytes – ecologically and economically optimized use
Jobs and Thesis
Job postings for research associates:
Currently none
Student assistants needed for the following topics:
Currently none
Bachelor theses:
Currently none
Prof. Dr. Carsten Herbes:
- Weinrich, R., Mielinger, E., Krauter, V., Arranz, E., Camara Hurtado, R., Marcos, B., Poças, F., Ruiz de Maya,S. & Herbes, C., (2024), Decision-making processes on sustainable packaging options in the European food sector. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 434, 1 January 2024, 139918,
- Rilling, B., Kurz, P. & Herbes, C., (2024), Renewable gases in the heating market: Identifying consumer preferences through a Discrete Choice Experiment. In: Energy Policy, Volume 184, January 2024, 113857,
M.Sc. Benedikt Rilling:
- Rilling, B. (2024): Synthetic natural gas in the private heating sector in Germany: match or mismatch between production costs and consumer willingness to pay? In: Energy, Sustainability and Society, 14 (26),
- Rilling, B., Kurz, P., Herbes, C. (2024): Renewable gases in the heating market: Identifying consumer preferences through a Discrete Choice Experiment. In: Energy Policy, 184, 113857,
Prof. Dr. Carsten Herbes:
- Herbes, C., (2023), 10 International Management and Sustainability. In: Ernst, D., Gabriel, R. & Sailer, U. (eds.), Sustainable Business Management, UVK Verlag, S. 159 -166.
- Weinrich, R. & Herbes, C., (2023), Consumer research on bioplastics: A systematic review. In: Q Open, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2023, qoad013,
Prof. Dr. Carsten Herbes:
- Cruz, R.M.S., Krauter, V., Krauter, S., Agriopoulou, R., Weinrich, R., Herbes, C., Scholten, P.B.V., Uysal-Unalan, I., Sogut, E., Kopacic, S., Lathi, J., Rutkaite, R. & Varzakas, T., (2022): Bioplastics for Food Packaging: Environmental Impact, Trends and Regulatory Aspects. In: Foods, Volume11, Issue 19, 3087,, 41 Seiten.
- Rilling, B. & Herbes, C., (2022): Invisible, intangible, irrelevant, yet inevitable? Qualitative insights into consumer perceptions of heating tariffs and drop-in renewable gases in the German domestic heating market. In: Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 91, September 2022, 102744,, 12 Seiten.
- Dörnyei, K.R., Bauer, A.-S., Krauter, V. & Herbes, C., (2022): (Not) Communicating the Environmental Friendliness of Food Packaging—An Attribute- and Cue-Based Concept and its Application. In: Foods 2022, 11 (9), 1371., pages, 1-20.
M.Sc. Benedikt Rilling:
- Rilling, B., Herbes, C. (2022): Invisible, intangible, irrelevant, yet inevitable? Qualitative insights into consumer perceptions of heating tariffs and drop-in renewable gases in the German domestic heating market. In: Energy Research & Social Science, 91, 102744,
- Rögele, S.; Rilling, B.; Apfel, D.; Fuchs, J. (2022): Sustainable Development Competencies and Student-Centered Teaching Strategies in Higher Education Institutions: The Role of Professors as Gatekeepers. In: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 23 (6),
Prof. Dr. Carsten Herbes:
- Herbes, C., (2021): Nachhaltiger Konsum. In: Genkova P. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Globale Kompetenz. Springer, Wiesbaden,, S. 1-18.
- Herbes, C., Rilling, B. & Holstenkamp, L. (2021): Ready for new business models? Human and social capital in the management of renewable energy cooperatives in Germany, in: Energy Policy 156, 112417,
- Apfel, D., Haag, S. & Herbes, C. (2021): Research agendas on renewable energies in the Global South: A systematic literature review. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 148, 111228, DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2021, 16 Seiten.
- Herbes, C., Rilling, B., Ringel, M. (2021): Policy frameworks and voluntary markets for biomethane – How do different policies influence providers’ product strategies ? In: Energy Policy Volume 153, 112292
- Herbes, C. (2021): The Market for Bio-Based Packaging: Consumers‘ Perceptions and Preferences Regarding Bio-Based Packaging. In: Sapuan, S.M., Ilyas, R.A. (Hrsg.): Bio-Based Packaging: Material, Environmental and Economic Aspects, Chapter 26, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, ISBN: 978-1-119-38107-5, S. 453-466
M.Sc. Benedikt Rilling:
- Herbes, C.; Rilling, B.; Holstenkamp, L. (2021): Ready for new business models? Human and social capital in the management of renewable energy cooperatives in Germany. In: Energy Policy, 156, 112417,
- Herbes, C.; Rilling, B.; Ringel, M. (2021): Policy frameworks and voluntary markets for biomethane – How do different policies influence providers’ product strategies? In: Energy Policy, 153, 112292,
- Rilling, B.; Tosun, J. (2021): Policy and political consequences of mandatory climate impact assessments: an explorative study of German cities and municipalities. In: Policy and Society, 40 (1),
Prof. Dr. Carsten Herbes:
- Herbes, C.; Dahlin, J.; Kurz, P. (2020): Consumer Willingness To Pay for Proenvironmental Attributes of Biogas Digestate-Based Potting Soil. In: Sustainability 2020, 12 (16), 6405,, 19 Seiten
- Blazejewski, S., Dittmer, F., Buhl, A., Barth, A.S. & Herbes, C. (2020): “That is Not What I Live For”: How Lower-Level Green Employees Cope with Identity Tensions at Work. In: Sustainability 2020, 12 (14), 5778, DOI:10.3390/su12145778, 22 Seiten
- Herbes, C. (2020): 4.13 Vermarktung von Gärprodukten außerhalb der Landwirtschaft – Teil einer Strategie für die Reduzierung des Nährstoffdrucks auf Gewässer. In: Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (Hrsg.): Gewässerschutz mit Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen – Steigerung der Gewässerschutzleistung, Gülzow 2020, S. 75-78.
- Herbes, C., Beuthner, C., & Ramme, I. (2020): How green is your packaging - A comparative international study of cues consumers use to recognize environmentally friendly packaging. International Journal of Consumer Studies 00: 1– 14
- Herbes, C., Rilling, B., Mac Donalds, S., Boutin, N. & Bigerna, S. (2020): Are you voluntary markets effective in replacing state-led support for the expansion of renewables? – A comparative analysis of voluntary green electricity markets in the UK, Germany, France and Italy”. Energy Policy 141, 111473
- Herbes, C., Roth, U., Wulf, S., Dahlin, J. (2020): „Economic assessment of different biogas digestate processing technologies: A scenario-based analysis”, in: Journal of Cleaner Production 255, 120282
M.Sc. Benedikt Rilling:
- Herbes, C.; Rilling, B.; Mac Donalds, S.; Boutin, N.; Bigerna, S. (2020): Are voluntary markets effective in replacing state-led support for the expansion of renewables? – A comparative analysis of voluntary green electricity markets in the UK, Germany, France and Italy. In: Energy Policy, 141, 111473,
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Research Associates