LoSENS Local Sustainable Energy Systems in Senegal

The research project LoSENS aims at a stronger dissemination of renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency technologies (EnEff) in Senegal. The project will identify existing transfer and cooperation opportunities between Africa and Germany and develop solution strategies that contribute to the diffusion of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Senegal. These strategies are based on needs and local conditions in Senegal.
The project will examine the technical feasibility of RE plants and EnEff measures in demonstration projects, such as the testing of LED street lighting, an energy-efficient pump management and a PV plant with storage (IfaS, University of Applied Sciences Trier). Furthermore, it will analyse the socio-cultural conditions for a successful introduction and diffusion of renewable energy and EnEff technologies (ISR, HfWU).
In the project, the ISR team is investigating existing barriers with regard to the increased use of renewable energy and EnEff technologies by companies and public authorities in Senegal and how these barriers can be overcome. Measures are being developed to overcome the identified barriers Building on existing knowledge, competencies and skills of local companies and public institutions in Senegal. In particular, the two pilot communities involved in the project, St. Louis and Balingore will benefit. The aim is to develop and implement an education and training programme in cooperation with the two Senegalese universities in Dakar (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar) and St. Louis (Université Gaston Berger). The program will address the specific conditions in local companies and public institutions.
In the project, we will conduct transdisciplinary social science "action research", combining practical activities with social science research.
Project members
ISR (Prof. Dr. Carsten Herbes, Dorothee Apfel, Steffen Haag), IfaS – University of Applied Sciences Trier, KLE Energie GmbH, Kocks Consult GmbH, Lanz Manufaktur Germany GmbH, greentec service GmbH
City of Saint-Louis, Municipality Balingor, Ministry of the Environment and sustainable Development Senegal, Office des lacs et cours d’eau – National Water Agency, University Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar
Q2/2019 – Q1/2022
Public Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, (Promoter: DLR), FKZ 03SF0569